

老年夫妇远足. (Halfpoint Images, Getty Images)
(Halfpoint Images, Getty Images)

As people approach retirement and plan for expenses, health care is high on the checklist. 自付医疗费用将不可避免地出现, but taking healthy steps heading into the golden years can help avert costly doctor visits, 处方和医疗.

"Our challenge as a society is to impress upon folks that they have some control over their health,”医生说。. 史蒂文•, director of the Cardiovascular Research Center at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.

Avoiding illnesses and chronic medical conditions in later life also contributes to a better quality of life, 他说. “如果你不健康,活得更长是不够的."

Nearly half of adults in the United States are living with some type of cardiovascular disease, 心脏病是美国人死亡的主要原因.

心血管病, 哪些是指心脏和血管状况, 已经成为美国最昂贵的慢性病了吗. Expenses associated with it are expected to soar in future decades as baby boomers age.


The overall cost of cardiovascular diseases, which includes stroke, totaled $351.2014年至2015年期间,中国将投资20亿美元. 其中,直接医疗费用占213美元.8 billion, and indirect costs from lost productivity and mortality totaled $137.40亿年. Total cardiovascular disease costs are projected to increase to $749 billion in 2035.

Heart attacks and coronary heart disease are two of the 10 most expensive conditions treated in U.S. 医院. Meanwhile, other diseases and chronic conditions in older age also can affect a retiree's budget.

糖尿病, 心脏病的诱因, 肾衰竭和失明, 每年总共花费2450亿美元. 癌症是美国第二大死因.S.预计到2020年,美国的成本将达到近1740亿美元.

豪斯, 美国心脏协会的前任主席, said taking action now to safeguard health can potentially limit future medical expenses.

也有例外, but medical research clearly shows a healthy lifestyle can help people live into older age without cardiovascular disease, 他说. Cardiovascular health also is linked to brain health, a key concern in older age.

理想的心血管健康, 美国心脏协会建议控制血压, 控制胆固醇, 降低血糖, 锻炼身体, 健康饮食, 减肥和戒烟.

It's all part of "a health culture" that can result in a longer, healthier life, 豪斯说. “这并不意味着你永远不能吃冰淇淋蛋筒. 这并不意味着你不能偶尔吃牛排."

But making seemingly little changes add up to big health improvements:

– At work, move around rather than sitting continuously for hours at a desk. Consider using a standing desk and taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Many employers and health insurance policies offer wellness programs that include gym memberships, 营养咨询和戒烟援助.

-定期体检. It can be tempting to avoid annual checkups but seeing a health care provider regularly creates a baseline of information that will be useful years later when there's a change in your medical condition.

– To financially prepare for medical costs during retirement years, 了解医疗保险, 哪一种从65岁开始有效. 是否有一个备用计划来帮助支付保险未涵盖的费用. 补充保险计划可以帮助填补空缺.

"Medicare is great, but if you get really sick it's not going to cover all your costs," 豪斯说.

Worries about having comprehensive health insurance coverage keep many Americans working extra years to remain on an employer plan, 他说.

最终, the best strategy when looking ahead to retirement is maintaining good health, 豪斯说.

“作为一个国家,我们需要为此努力,”他说. “我们必须采取全面的方法. 我们必须坚持下去."

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